Lori Carrigan

An important part of the approval process for the K-12 mathematics textbooks is the review of the publishersā€™ submitted items by teachers, curriculum supervisors, administrators, mathematics educators, and others who have expertise with the content of the 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning. The Department of Education sought  nominations from division superintendents for individuals who were qualified and available to serve on committees to review K-12 mathematics textbooks beginning in November 2023. Nominees could have been teachers, mathematics specialists, or curriculum supervisors who had expertise with the content area and the standards.  Committee members were selected on the basis of expertise, experience, and balanced regional representation.  Washington County is proud to announce that Mrs. Lori Carrigan was nominated and chosen to represent our region on this committee. 

Mrs. Carrigan will be reviewing the K-12 mathematics textbooks and will be asked to submit correlation worksheets to the Department for a final review of all submitted materials. We appreciate the time and work that Mrs. Carrigan is willing to put into this process to ensure that the students of Washington County will have the best resources possible to continue their mathematics education.