Washington County Division Literacy Plan

Literacy picture

School Division Literacy Vision:

Washington County Public Schools believes literacy is a fundamental human right that empowers individuals and communities. Strong literacy skills translate into independent learning and encourage consistent growth in and out of the classroom. We are committed to prioritizing literacy through quality, evidence-based, tiered literacy instruction to ensure our students will be prepared for college and/or career life once they graduate high school. Our goal is to provide all students with the skills they need to become literate citizens equipped to pursue their dreams and contribute positively to the community.

Washington County Public Schools is committed to...

● Providing an equitable, systematic, and evidence-based literacy curriculum to ensure every student experiences high-quality core literacy instruction.

● Delivering explicit, sequential, data-driven, differentiated reading and writing instruction rooted in evidence-based research throughout the entire literacy block to ensure high levels of reading and writing across a variety of genres.

● Administering screening assessments to identify students who need targeted reading interventions.

● Implementing progress monitoring instruments for identified students to track their advancements and tailor instruction accordingly.

● Using high-quality teaching materials and practices that have been proven to accelerate reading achievement for students who do not meet literacy standards while setting clear, multi-level, targeted reading interventions as a top priority.

● Ensure that every educator is prepared and continuously supported to deliver high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction by providing educators with resources, professional learning, and support systems.

● Communicating effectively with all stakeholders and engaging in routine communication channels to support student growth.

● Fostering open dialogue and collaboration, ensuring that all community members understand our literacy vision's progress, and providing opportunities to actively support its implementation.

To view more information about the Virginia Literacy Act and find updates in real time, please visit the VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act Website.