Founded in the basics, the Washington County Schools' curriculum starts with language arts, math, science, and social studies. The curriculum is carefully designed to incorporate and go beyond Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOLs). While the SOLs are intended to ensure that every student in Virginia learns essential skills and facts, Washington County Schools seek to produce graduates who will be successful and productive throughout their lives.
The Department of Academic Operations is organized by grade levels. The Assistant Superintendent is responsible for all schools, the curriculum, and the instructional programs in the school division. Assisting the Assistant Superintendent are four supervisors. There is one supervisor for each grade level organization: Elementary Education, Middle School Education, Secondary Education, and Special Services. The supervisors are charged with the responsibility to be instructional leaders. Additionally, the supervisors support the instructional programs and assist the principals in the schools they serve.
Also assisting the Assistant Superintendent and offering support to the supervisors and principals are three Coordinators: Federal Programs and Grants; Math Education and Testing; and Special Services, along with the Technology Manager.
For contact information, please see our District Contacts page.