Title I
Title I is a federally funded program that provides assistance to children in the development of basic skills. The primary focus of the Title I program in Washington County is early intervention for school success.
Through Title I, preschool services are provided for four-year-old, at-risk children. The full-day, five-day per week program prepares children for later school success by providing instruction in basic kindergarten readiness skills. Preschool classrooms in each Title I school serve twenty children and are staffed by a certified teacher and instructional staff.
The Reading Intervention program is designed to provide students with extra help in the development of reading skills. Children are served either one-on-one or in groups of six or fewer.
Parental involvement is a major component of the Title I program. Each school hosts family engagement activities as a part of this program.
To Contact Us:
Phone 276-739-3022
Fax 276-628-1805
E-mail Dr. Sherry King