Coming Soon

          The Washington County School (WCS) Board, with the assistance and advice of a community Interaction Team and after extensive discussion with the community, developed a curriculum for a Family Life Education Program that is based upon, but not limited to, the Virginia Standards of Learning. This program has been successfully implemented over the last two decades with the purpose of helping students in our community better understand themselves and their relationships with others as a basis for more responsible family membership.

                The primary emphasis of the program is to educate children and youth about safe and responsible behaviors for their health and future. If you wish to learn more about the program or if you would like to view the material, a public preview will be held prior to the start of the Family Life Program. Family Life material is only provided to students with opt-in consent to participate. Beginning this year, this program will be offered to Kā€“5, 7th, and 9th grade students.

               A preview of instruction materials and an opportunity to ask questions will be held on October 26, 2023, from 6-7 p.m. in the Abingdon High School Library. Your childā€™s school will notify you of topics and content to be covered in Family Life. This notification from your childā€™s school will also include consent and opt-out options.

               If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school principal.