During class time with Mrs. O’Dell, 4th and 5th grade students have been working on personal and group goals. In celebration of finishing the unit, students were placed in groups to set a goal for how many cups they could stack in 10 minutes without using their hands. The students were able to adjust their goal halfway through the activity.
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
During class time with Mrs. O’Dell, 4th and 5th grade students have been working on personal and group goals. In celebration of finishing the unit, students were placed in groups to set a goal for how many cups they could stack in 10 minutes without using their hands. The students were able to adjust their goal halfway through the activity.
During class time with Mrs. O’Dell, 4th and 5th grade students have been working on personal and group goals. In celebration of finishing the unit, students were placed in groups to set a goal for how many cups they could stack in 10 minutes without using their hands. The students were able to adjust their goal halfway through the activity.
During class time with Mrs. O’Dell, 4th and 5th grade students have been working on personal and group goals. In celebration of finishing the unit, students were placed in groups to set a goal for how many cups they could stack in 10 minutes without using their hands. The students were able to adjust their goal halfway through the activity.
During class time with Mrs. O’Dell, 4th and 5th grade students have been working on personal and group goals. In celebration of finishing the unit, students were placed in groups to set a goal for how many cups they could stack in 10 minutes without using their hands. The students were able to adjust their goal halfway through the activity.
Watauga kindergartners have been learning all about community helpers! Last week, we had visits from first responders and also learned how hard our awesome custodians Ms. Becky and Ms. Sasha work to keep our school beautiful!
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
Watauga kindergartners have been learning all about community helpers! Last week, we had visits from first responders.
Watauga kindergartners have been learning all about community helpers! Last week, we had visits from first responders.
Watauga kindergartners have been learning all about community helpers! Last week, we had visits from first responders.
Watauga kindergartners have been learning all about community helpers!  They learned how hard our awesome custodians Ms. Becky and Ms. Sasha work to keep our school beautiful!
Good afternoon, We were all heartbroken when we learned that Cameron Craig had lost his life in the line of duty as a local Firefighter. The services to honor his sacrifice will occur on Wednesday afternoon and the procession will have a tremendous impact on traffic in our community. In order to honor Cameron's ultimate sacrifice and to ensure that our buses and car traffic do not interfere with the procession, all Washington County Public Schools will dismiss 2 hours early on Wednesday, October 25. Childcare will be available at all middle and elementary schools for working families who need that service. Each school will provide individual details prior to Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding. We know you join us in loving, supporting, and praying for everyone involved. Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
important announcement
Good afternoon, We were all heartbroken when we learned that Cameron Craig had lost his life in the line of duty as a local Firefighter. The services to honor his sacrifice will occur on Wednesday afternoon and the procession will have a tremendous impact on traffic in our community. In order to honor Cameron's ultimate sacrifice and to ensure that our buses and car traffic do not interfere with the procession, all Washington County Public Schools will dismiss 2 hours early on Wednesday, October 25. Childcare will be available at all middle and elementary schools for working families who need that service. Each school will provide individual details prior to Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding. We know you join us in loving, supporting, and praying for everyone involved. Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
important announcement
Abingdon Youth Volleyball is having sign ups on October 23rd.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
Abingdon Youth Volleyball
Third Grade students enjoyed learning about different conservation and environmental topics at Conservation Camp.
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
Third Grade students enjoyed learning about different conservation and environmental topics at Conservation Camp.
Third Grade students enjoyed learning about different conservation and environmental topics at Conservation Camp.
Third Grade students enjoyed learning about different conservation and environmental topics at Conservation Camp.
Are you curious about how our public schools are funded? Are you concerned about the future of education in Washington County? Join us for an informal talk and Q&A with WCPS Superintendent, Dr. Keith Perrigan.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
Talk with Dr. Perrigan
Are you curious about how our public schools are funded? Are you concerned about the future of education in Washington County? Join us for an informal talk and Q&A with WCPS Superintendent, Dr. Keith Perrigan.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
Talk with Dr. Perrigan
On behalf of our School Board and the more than 1000 employees of WCPS, I would like to express our sympathy and support to the families of everyone affected by the recent tragedy experienced by the Abingdon Fire Department and our community. For decades, the Abingdon Fire Department has served our community with courage, integrity, and selfless sacrifice for which we are indescribably grateful. There are no words that can express our condolences to everyone involved, but please know that you will have our love, support, and prayers in the coming days, weeks, and months. Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
fire sympathy
On behalf of our School Board and the more than 1000 employees of WCPS, I would like to express our sympathy and support to the families of everyone affected by the recent tragedy experienced by the Abingdon Fire Department and our community. For decades, the Abingdon Fire Department has served our community with courage, integrity, and selfless sacrifice for which we are indescribably grateful. There are no words that can express our condolences to everyone involved, but please know that you will have our love, support, and prayers in the coming days, weeks, and months. Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
At the current time, the power is out at Watauga Elementary School. The estimated time for re-establishing service is 8:30 am so We will run generators to power lights until that time.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
important information
Be sure to check out the Public Library's October Events! Tons of cool activities for our students.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
Library Announcements
library announcement
Looking for afterschool care? The Coomes Recreation Center can help.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
Coomes Afterschool info
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System, and they built their own creations to represent all of our library's call number categories.
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System, and they built their own creations to represent all of our library's call number categories.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System, and they built their own creations to represent all of our library's call number categories.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System, and they built their own creations to represent all of our library's call number categories.
In Library class, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders learned about the Dewey Decimal Classification System, and they built their own creations to represent all of our library's call number categories.
The Watauga Elementary School News Crew visited WCYB for a tour to watch the noon news show live. Students learned how the news is produced including coding of the cameras and teleprompters. The students enjoyed seeing the news in action.
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
The Watauga Elementary School News Crew watches the noon news show live at WCYB-TV.
The Watauga Elementary School News Crew waiting to enter the studio at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew students on the news set in the studio at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew sit on the interview set in the studio at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew tour the control room at WCYB-TV.
Two of the WES News Crew students in the control room at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew tours the newsroom at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew watch the Noon Newscast live in the studio at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew watch meteorologist David Boyd in the studio at WCYB-TV.
The WES News Crew tour WCYB-TV.
Washington County Schools is proud to celebrate Mrs. Mary Walker from the Washington County Career and Technical Education Center for exceeding 6 of the 6 standards in the Jobs for VA Graduates program. #WashintonWay
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
JVG award
JVG award
JVG awards
First graders from Watauga Elementary enjoyed Flashlight Friday. Reading by flashlights is so much fun!
over 1 year ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
First graders from Watauga Elementary enjoyed Flashlight Friday.
On September 8, Governor Youngkin, Secretary Guidera, and Superintendent Coons released the 2022-23 Standards of Learning scores and a plan that outlined Virginia’s ALL-IN plan that defined high-intensity academic tutoring. This tutoring focuses on supporting those students who failed their SOLs or who demonstrated a risk of failing, and establishes options for tutors, schedules, ratios, and resources to ensure that tutoring can be successful in every school across the Commonwealth. The hallmark of ALL-IN tutoring is learning acceleration. It is essential that tutoring match grade-level content and support students in connecting lost learning to what they are learning in the classroom every day. The scores of Washington County School's students exceed the state average, and our teachers have been working diligently to make sure students have strong learning experiences and support to recover where needed. One strategy is to ensure that students receive intensive and accelerated support to keep pace with their pre-pandemic peers. Washington County Schools has implemented this high-intensity academic tutoring and is working to use innovative ways to incorporate it both into our school day and beyond.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
All in Tutoring
Good afternoon, Parenting has always been hard! Parenting in a post-pandemic world with all the challenges and stressors that come along raising a child in 2023 can seem overwhelming. Washington County Public Schools has partnered with the Cook Center for Human Connection to help ease the burden of parenting during these turbulent times. From anxiety and depression to bullying and decision making, this partnership has multiple opportunities for parents to receive coaching, training, participate in live webinars or view recorded sessions all at no cost whatsoever to parents. If you haven't taken advantage of this free resource, I encourage you to check it out. Information can be found on our website and here is a link to a recent session on Anxiety. Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can support you and your child in any way! Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools 812 Thompson Dr. Abingdon, VA 24210 276-739-3000 @WashCoSuper
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
child crying
Empire for is sponsoring Trunk or Treat for the children of Washington County.
over 1 year ago, WCPS Central Office
halloween flyer