Counselor - Catherine Baker
Phone: (276) 739-3707
Fax: (276) 739-3731
Records Management/ SRC/Registrar - Patty Mitchell
Phone: (276) 739-3705
Fax: (276) 739-3731
VHCC Career Coach Support Staff - Kathleen Buttolph
Phone: (276) 739-3726 (Office in Chorus Hallway)
Highlands Community Service Support Staff
Phone: (276) 739-3706
Lisa Boardwine - Therapist - Email:
Angie Camper - Student Advocacy Coordinator - Email:
If you get voice mail or email a transcript request please provide your full legal name, your name while attending school if it is now different, your date of birth, the year you graduated, or specify if you did not graduate from PHHS, your phone number with the area code, and complete information on where you want your transcript sent (Mailed: name/organization, complete address. Faxed: fax number, attention to information. Emailed: email address. Pick ups will be in the main office. Allow at least 24 hours processing time) Please note that most places do not accept an official transcript by fax or email.
We do NOT keep copies of diplomas. You will need to contact Balfour to purchase a replacement copy of your diploma at (865) 804-8105
Selective Service Link - 18 Year old males - It is QUICK, EASY, and the LAW