GSMS Class Awards Day
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
Check out Little Rebel Basketball Camp !!
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
ATTENTION GSMS Volleyball Open gym will be at PHHS today from 3:30 - 5:00. Students will ride the bus from GSMS to PHHS. Please pick up your student at PH.
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
Bus #51 will be later than usual today. It has been held up by the train coming from PHHS.
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
Great news! In June we are offering free breakfast and free lunch for kids and teens 18 and under. No application is required, and you can go to any of the four locations. Meals must be consumed onsite. Please see the attached flyers for locations, dates, and times.
4 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Please notice the new Town of GS alert system test
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
This afternoon WCPS was proud to honor those who are finishing some wonderful careers from the Washington County Family. Our retirees represent close to 1,000 years total and we wish them all the best! #WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper
4 months ago, WCPS Central Office
This afternoon WCPS was proud to honor those who are finishing some wonderful careers from the Washington County Family. Our retirees represent close to 1,000 hours total and we wish them all the best! #WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper
4 months ago, WCPS Central Office
GSMS Mr Kennedy Technology Class
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
STEM Summer Camp
4 months ago, Wendy Davis
Please share this wonderful opportunity. @WashCoSuper
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
remote medical
Join the WCPS Team and find out what it means to work the #WashingtonWay. To apply for any positions, visit and click on Job Application Manager.
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Our Washington County School Board Chair, Jenny Nichols hosted the annual VSBA Southwest Region Spring Forum at the SWCenter on May 30 and it was a huge success via The Washington Way! We were able to showcase and show off several of our wonderful departments
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
VSBA Forum
Be sure to check out all the amazing summer reading opportunities that the Washington County Public Library has to off for our students.
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Library info
Happy Nurses Day to our awesome Nurse Dawn ! She takes care of our students and staff ! We love you and thank you !
5 months ago, Wendy Davis
Today we honor those in our buildings who take care of SO MANY things. Where would we be without the SUPERHERO Nurses that are in our schools who care for our students on so many levels? Thank you to the amazing WCPS School Nursing Staff! #WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
School Nurse Day
A BIG GSMS shout out to Paula Reynolds bus #124 for getting the Wheels on The Bus Award! Paula was recognized at Monday's Board meeting
5 months ago, Wendy Davis
Families, We often take for granted the time that teachers spend with our children. However, it is in those moments that lifelong lessons are learned that leave a legacy. Please reach out to your child’s teachers to thank them for the legacy they are helping you build through empowering our most valuable resource; our children. Thank you, Dr. Perrigan
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
teacher high five
Tonight, the Washington County School Board recognized both students and staff for their excellence. From Fine Arts, to Global Bi-Liiteracy Excellence, to the first ever Washington Way Award recognizing outstanding support staff. #WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper #WCPSBest
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
BIG WINNER MR RANDY THOMPSON !! The Above and Beyond Winner AND the BIG WASHINGTON WAY AWARD WINNER !!! GSMS is very proud tonight !!
5 months ago, Wendy Davis
above and beyond