If you're looking for something fun to do on Monday following Open House, check out National Night Out! This free community event is presented by the Abingdon Police Department & Washington County Sheriffs Office. All the fun will take place at The Meadows, starting at 5:00 p.m.
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
National Night Out August 5th The Meadows Free Community Event
The Brain Architecture Game: On Wednesday, new teachers to WCPS spent time playing this game that builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development -- what promotes it and what can derail it. Staff built 'brains' with pipe cleaners and straws.
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Brain Architecture Game 1
Brain Architecture Game 2
Brain Architecture Game 3
Brain Architecture Game 4
Brain Architecture Game 5
Brain Architecture Game 6
Brain Architecture Game 7
Brain Architecture Game 8
Brain Architecture Game 9
The First Day of School is fast approaching! WCPS can't wait to welcome everyone back! Check out school supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year here: https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/article/1687491
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
First Day of School August 7
New Teacher Orientation is underway! On Tuesday, new teachers to the division had an opportunity to enjoy lunch and meet with school board members and various administrators. Welcome to the WCPS family!
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
New Teacher Orientation 1
New Teacher Orientation 2
New Teacher Orientation 3
New Teacher Orientation 4
New Teacher Orientation 5
Don't forget to join in on this important discussion this week: You are invited to share your thoughts and ideas regarding cell phone-free education in Virginia K-12 public schools on Thursday, August 1. To register: https://outlook.office365.com/.../s/S-puz1JJPU2U2mEmUKPwgg2
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Commonwealth Conversations VDOE August 1, 2024
Do you plan to go shopping for school supplies over the next couple of weekends? Be sure to take advantage of the retail sales tax holidays in Tennessee & Virginia! To learn more about exempt items, click the links below. Tennessee: July 26 - July 28 https://www.tn.gov/revenue/taxes/sales-and-use-tax/sales-tax-holiday/sth-traditional.html Virginia: August 2 - August 4 https://www.tax.virginia.gov/virginia-sales-tax-holiday#:~:text=August%202%2D4%2C%202024.,Sunday%20at%2011%3A59%20pm.
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Tax-Free Weekend Shopping
Congratulations to Abingdon High School for earning a top award for its teen-related crash & fatality prevention efforts. Abingdon HS was among 28 award winners recognized during the annual Youth of Virginia Speak Out About Traffic Safety Awards Banquet on July 13 at JMU.
4 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Abingdon HS Earns Top YOVASO Award 2
Abingdon HS Earns Top YOVASO Award 2
Abingdon HS Earns Top YOVASO Award 3
We are excited to welcome Mr. Brad Ricker to Abingdon High School as our new Assistant Principal. He joins us after many years teaching, coaching, and serving as athletic director at John Battle. Doesn't that Falcon blue look good??? #falconawesome
5 months ago, Leslie Cumbow
br fam
br AHS
Hometown Hero: During Monday's meeting, the Washington County School Board recognized Ms. Kristen Harris, of Meadowview Elementary. The quick actions of Ms. Harris resulted in her helping a choking student this past school year. Thank you, Ms. Harris!
5 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Hometown Hero School Board Meeting July 15 2024
Do you want to learn more about the Virginia High School League? Now is your chance! Be sure to join VHSL staff for an informative session at Abingdon High School on Wednesday, July 24 at 6:30 p.m. For more on VHSL: https://www.vhsl.org/
5 months ago, WCPS Social Media
VHSL Informative Session
Thank you to the hard-working custodians at John Battle High School for making the cafeteria and kitchen floors sparkle and shine!
5 months ago, WCPS School Nutrition
Custodians in kitchen at John Battle
Do you have a 3 year old or a 4 year old and you are looking for childcare options? Check out this opportunity from WCPS and the Regional Workforce and Child Development Hub. https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/article/1666041
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
prek registration
It's been a busy and fun Monday for WCPS Instructional Technology Resource Teachers! They have been getting their summer learning on at the TechSplash Conference at the SWVA Higher Education Center!
5 months ago, WCPS Social Media
TechSplash Instructional Technology Resource Teachers
Check out this, and many other, opportunities to join the Washington County Public School Family!
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
SPED teacher posting
The Virginia Department of Social Services will issue a one-time $120 food benefit through Virginia SUN Bucks beginning August 2024 to children who qualify. Children qualify and are automatically enrolled in Virginia SUN Bucks if they receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or an income-based Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid). If you are not enrolled in SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid you can apply and potentially qualify for Virginia SUN Bucks by visiting VirginiaSunBucks.com and mailing the application to: Virginia Sun Bucks, c/o VDSS, 5600 Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060. Applications will not be available until July 1, when the webpage goes live. The Application for SUN Bucks will require you to enter your child’s “Local Student ID Number.” This is your child’s Lunch # they use at school. If you qualify, SUN Bucks benefits will be distributed beginning August 2024 on a rolling basis and will be loaded onto your current SNAP EBT Card or a Virginia SUN Bucks card.
5 months ago, WCPS School Nutrition
Sun Bucks
Washington County Schools is proud of @WashCoSuper, Dr. Keith Perrigan, who was honored this week for his outstanding support for leadership education. He models #WashingtonWay for all of us!
5 months ago, WCPS Central Office
dr p and award
dr p and award
dr p and award
FREE MEALS: Location: Wallace Middle School (meals distributed on Mondays) Dates: June 24 - July 29 (4:00-5:00 PM ) Location: Meadowview Elementary School (meals distributed on Wednesdays) Dates: June 26 - July 31 (4:00-5:00 PM) Feeding Southwest Virginia will distribute 5 days' worth of grab-and-go meals (breakfast and lunch) at each of these locations for students 18 and under.
6 months ago, WCPS Central Office
The date on one of the flyers (Free Summer Meals) we posted earlier today was incorrect. Please take a look at the correct information below and the updated flyers. Location: Wallace Middle School (meals distributed on Mondays) Dates: June 24 - July 29 (4:00-5:00 PM ) Location: Meadowview Elementary School (meals distributed on Wednesdays) Dates: June 26 - July 31 (4:00-5:00 PM) Feeding Southwest Virginia will distribute 5 days' worth of grab-and-go meals (breakfast and lunch) at each of these locations for students 18 and under.
6 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Join the Team and find out what it means to be a part of the #WashingtonWay
6 months ago, WCPS Central Office
athletic trainer
Reminder! In June we are offering free breakfast and free lunch for kids and teens 18 and under. No application is required, and you can go to any of the four locations. Meals must be consumed onsite. Please see the attached flyers for locations, dates, and times.
6 months ago, WCPS Central Office